I met up with my friend Melissa and her two kiddos yesterday. They're the ones we do the babysitting exchange with. Anywho, we took the kids to the church playground and brought little picnic lunches and let the kids have some fun.
I'm thinking we might try to do that once a week just to get out and enjoy a change of scenery and enjoy some adult conversation. I think I will start posting each week about it and see if anyone wants to meet there. I like the city park, but there are no good bathrooms around and no fences. The church playground is nicely fenced, quiet, and you can use the bathrooms in the church.
The only thing I did badly yesterday was not putting sunscreen on Zachary. I kept him in the sling most of the time and thought I had him in the shade enough, but he ended up with a little burn on his face. I felt bad, but it didn't seem to bother him. I'll just have to be more vigilant, since I'm planning on hitting the kiddie pool at the city park next week, plus more playground time :)