Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Trike-a-Thon that wasn't :(

Alas, today's Trike-a-Thon was not meant to be. Not more than 10 minutes after we arrived, the rain started. We are going to give it another go next Thursday. The kids did turn in their donations today though. Megan was able to collect $75 for the kids at St. Jude! Thanks to cousin Kelly, our pastor and wife, and uncle Roger and aunt Angela and a little to round it off from mom and dad :) I don't have totals today, but hopefully we'll have that next week. And hopefully no rain! I did get some pics for the few minutes we were there. Here you'll see Meg on her trike that she's almost outgrown and our "Buddy", along with my friend "J"s daughter. Megan tried out her friend's bike too. Zoe was happy to stroll along, but we just didn't get far. I was looking forward to a nice walk today. Oh well...Enjoy!

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