Yep, I'm still here, just enjoying myself :)
It's so warm today and yesterday and all weekend was so nice! I've got three new blueberry bushes we planted Saturday and am getting three more the end of this month. I'll have a good batch of blueberries next year and after! I already have three that I've had for 4 years now. I've gotten three decent harvests from them, and since I've decided that they are low maintenance and I just need more blueberries, I got 6 more.
I remember growing up that my granny had at least 9 of them and all kinds of raspberries, strawberries, and gooseberries. I spent my summers of my early childhood helping her pick berries that she would sell to lots of people. I think I ate more than I put in the bucket though :) She also kept a big garden for many years until she became ill with Alzheimer's. I loved helping her hoe and plant and pick. I've had a love of gardening fresh fruits and veggies ever since. I just haven't put it into practice much except for my blueberries. I have a goal of planting a raised bed garden (4-4x6 beds) in my backyard when the kids get old enough to help and not hinder :) I want to go all organic too, if I can manage it. I've been reading a little on companion planting to keep pests away. Did you know if you plant your beans and corn together that the beans can help support the corn from wind and they mutually deter pests that like each of them? Marigolds and garlic are also good for repelling many pests. Also, you can plant "attractant" plants away from your garden to keep pest there, like nasturtiums for aphids, for example. Maybe if I can research it enough in the next few years, I'll be ready to get out there and make a dream a reality!
Now to enjoy the great outdoors.....
That sounds like fun. We want to start an organic garden, but don't have the space for it.
Honey wants to plant a lot of corn this year. Which could be profitable for us, if the deer don't eat it first. Yup...all organic...the deer each the corn, the rabbits each the...
The bugs eat the beans....yep, I think that's how it works. :) That's when we bring out our secret weapons--the scarecrows, the fake owls, the bird netting, ladybugs, praying mantises, and beneficial nematodes. I think it just takes more cleverness to grow an organic garden.
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