Friday, December 02, 2005

Memorial Service

Baby Ryan Neal Baker will be remembered tomorrow at a graveside service in Tennessee. My husband will go on our behalf and I'll remain here with our girls. I sure would have liked to have had another nephew to spoil. I've decided to write a little poem:

Today we say good-bye
To a baby we never met.
Though we still don't understand,
We never will forget.

Someday we hope we'll see you
On Heaven's golden shore.
And we'll laugh and skip and play,
Like we never could before.

Dear Father, hold and love
This little baby boy,
And help us understand Your plan,
Help us again to feel Your joy.

Dedicated to Ryan Neal Baker, stillborn November 30, 2005


Anonymous said...


Sorry, kind of a random name here. I supposed that's the risk of running a blog. Apparently, if you click on a button, you can see everyone else's blogs.

Anyway, the difference between Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia is Harry Potter condones sorcery and Narnia is against it. C.S. Lewis, the author of Narnia, was a Christian [see his other books, The Screwtape Letters, etc.]. Narnia is said to be an loosly-based analogy to the Bible-- Aslan dies in Edmund's place, but lives again 3 days later. That represents Jesus dying in everyone's place, and living again three days later. If you can find a Bible, look through it after seeing Narnia [if you decide to go] and see if you can find paraells. It's pretty interesting.


Mysti said...

Left your comment in the wrong post, but I replied in the post below. Thanks.