Is the strike over?
"We interrupt your internet surfing for this live report on the nursing strike between baby Zoe and her mom. Tom, can you update us on the situation?"
"Bob, here we are live from Western Kentucky. There appears to be some negotiation between both parties. Mom has apparently met some of Zoe's demands and Zoe has cautiously returned to her nursing position. We don't know yet if the strike is completely over, since there seems to still be some tension from both sides. Zoe, have you decided to come back to your nursing position permanently?"
"Uhhhh, ah, aaaa, phhttt, da da, na na, ppphhhhtttt!"
"Bob, we still didn't catch that, but both parties seem to be happier. Maybe the week-long strike is over, but we'll monitor the situation and let you know of any changes."
"Thanks, Tom, keep us informed. Now back to your regularly scheduled web surfing."
This morning I am cautiously optimistic. All day yesterday I gently coaxed and cuddled Zoe and last night when we got back from eating out, I finally got her to nurse a little on each side. I could tell that she wanted to, and it took a while to persuade her. I had to calm her down when she started crying and gently talk to her until she finally latched on. I made sure not to react loudly when she chewed on me a little ;) I also went into the bedroom and shut the door so big sis wouldn't disturb her too much. I couldn't get her to take any just before I put her to bed, but she was so sleepy, she just wanted to go to bed, and she slept all night.
I talked to Meg about our new rule for when I'm nursing. She is to stay in another room and be very quiet until we're done. I'm trying lots of positive reinforcement with that rule, since it's very hard for Meg to be quiet.
Anyway, I got Zoe up before Megan woke up this morning and got her to empty one side, but she wouldn't take the other side. I think she got full on the one side. I pumped the other. Then, just a while ago, I nursed her again, and she took both sides. She didn't complain as much this time.
So today, I'm holding my breath, hoping that I'll get my happy nurser back. We may have to stay cooped up in the bedroom for a while, but that's ok if she'll just keep it up. I hate that pump :) I'll keep you all informed as we progress or otherwise.
Saying a little *woohoo!*
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