Friday, September 30, 2005

Ups and Downs

It's weird how I can go from such a high to such a low in a matter of minutes. I was so happy about the baking thing and the Dora costume idea, then I tried to do some things for myself. Boy, is that difficult sometimes when you're a full-time mommy. When I took a shower, Zoe decided it was time to cry and wail in her bouncy seat in the bathroom the whole time. She finally stopped when I got out and fed her some more.

I finally got dressed and decided to exercise on the Bowflex downstairs. I put Zoe in the playpen and she was playing happily. Then Megan decides to follow me down there as usual. As I was setting up, she peed all over herself and the floor.

"Sheesh!" Why do I always get interrupted when I try to do something for myself? It's not like I do anything extravagant. I don't wear makeup or fix my hair 99% of the time. I don't go to a gym, or long bike rides or jogging. I don't even go to Weight Watchers anymore. It's these mommy moments that makes being a mommy so stressful and challenging.

Lord, grow me and teach me to learn and behave better in these moments that test my nerves. Help me to show love and concern for my daughters, even when they drive me crazy :) Amen!

I think God has been reminding me lately that I am the world to my little girls, and if their world is unsteady, they won't have anywhere to stand. The fact that they are completely dependent upon me for everything is very overwhelming to me sometimes. Before the girls, no one really needed me. We parents are so vitally important to our kids and their future. I often don't think I measure up, but I guess none of us do sometimes.

Ok, so my rambling is done again for now. Maybe I'll go bake something. ;)

1 comment:

Carlos said...

I know the feeling of being the world to your kids. My wife usually pulls that duty but when she leaves me with them for 4 day I realize how much they depend on us. Cartoons and candy won't do the trick. They need what you give them. Keep your head up. You are doing well.