My Fitness Journal, Part 3
Ok, so I'm writing this just as I'm finishing a snickerdoodle and a glass of Ovaltine in skim milk. I'm not a diet expert, remember? :) I just got hungry after my morning workout and had to have a snack before I pick up my kid from preschool.
I told you before I'm not a diet or fitness expert, right? ;)
I guess I'll try to describe my fitness regime now. Let's see, how do I begin? When I first started this consistent exercise thing, this is what I did:
MWF--Bowflex Power Pro Total Body 20 minute workout, 8 Minute Abs video
T/Th--8 Minute Abs
This I did for the first 6 weeks. Then I changed pace and this is what I'm doing now:
MWF--Bowflex Upper Body workout, 50 squats, Ab work with either 8 Minute Abs or Abs of Steel
T/Th--20 minute walk around the neighborhood with my baby in the stroller, Ab work with one of the videos
I try to exercise every weekday, and take the weekends off. I do ab work all 5 days because that's the area I need to target most. After 2 babies, the ole tummy ain't what it used to be.
"The old gray mare, she ain't what she used to be, ain't what she used to be..." ;)
After I do about 6 weeks of this regime, I'll switch it up again, not sure how yet, but you have to vary exercise to keep yourself from getting bored and to work different muscle groups.
That's about all I have on the fitness portion. I'm no Jane Fonda yet, but I'm hoping to get to the point where exercise isn't something I have to make myself do, just part of the daily routine.
If you got this far, God bless you, you must be bored.
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