Happy Holidays?...*sniff*
Thanksgiving is over, and Christmas is around the corner. My annual Christmas shopping is almost done and I'm looking forward to my traditional Christmas cookie baking. I'm not, however, enjoying my annual cold/sinus problems that seem to put a damper on each holiday season....especially since we have 3 little petri dishes that keep bringin in the germs!
However, I'm really looking into more preventative, natural measures to tackle these bugs. One thing I like to avoid unless absolutely necessary is taking antibiotics. Today's antibiotics are growing less and less effective because of over-use. Too many doctors are prescribing them for the common cold when the cold really just needs to run its course.
Doing my online remedy research today, I ran across this interesting article that sums it up better than I can. If you can ignore the annoying sidebar links, read it and see why you should probably delay that doctor visit the next time you get a cold. I'll just sip some more hot tea while you read, ok?
You've already gotten most of your Christmas shopping done????? WOW
Thanks for the informative link...My kids have all had a cold since Thanksgiving. It seems like every year we get sick about this time. Hopefully we will all be over our colds by Christmas.
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