Sunday, September 14, 2008

Word for the week

Persevere- persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly. persist in speech, interrogation, argument, etc.; insist. bolster, sustain, or uphold: (example)--unflagging faith that had persevered him.

In church this morning, Bro. Ray talked about how we should persevere as Christians to grow into maturity in our faith, from simple believers to mature apostles, capable of training others in ministry. I had already had this word in my mind this week and planned to blog on it's meaning.

This week, I've struggled to persevere in my personal life. I love my family and love (and live) to serve them. However, I don't always do so with grace and patience. Sometimes it wears pretty thin. Yet, I have felt God pushing me to persevere, to keep going, despite the fatigue and pressure. To let go of the nagging thoughts of negativity, guilt, and selfishness when I do lose my grace, and just "keep on keeping on", as Bro. Ray put it. :)

I hope to also continue to grow in my Christian walk, setting a good example for my children to follow, then beginning to branch out to serve, then train others in their walk. I'm not there yet, but with Christ's strength, I'm persevering!

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