Tuesday, August 05, 2008

And off she goes...

We took Meg to first grade this morning. Zoe, Zachary (in his sling) and I sat with Meg and one of her friends in the gym and got both girls to their classes as each grade was called out. Meg clung to me a bit in her classroom, but finally found a seat with some friends.

Zoe didn't want to hug her goodbye (I think because she didn't want to say goodbye). Later, walking to the car, Zoe said, "I don't want my sisser to weave." I said, "I know, me neither."

Now, back home to some coffee and blog time. It seems like the summer was so short.


Anonymous said...

You are a good mom to sit in the gym with your three! I had the hardest time getting parking. It seemed to be going well! I'm glad she's settled in!

The jewelry is BEEautiful. Just wait until they make you wear it to a wedding or something. :D

Anonymous said...

awww my girls are getting big (*sigh*)

Anonymous said...

The summer was definitely tooooo short! And, like you with Zoe, I can't believe that Lucas is starting preschool soon. I'm not ready for both of my babies to be in school! On a lighter note, Syd said she played with Megan on the playground yesterday. I'm glad they still get to see each other even though they aren't in the same class this year. I love that they are such good friends!