Thursday, October 25, 2007

Some updates and prayer requests

First, my friend Kim from Sing Me Home (see blogs on sidebar) is having breast-cancer surgery in Louisville will be a long surgery, and she'll be there 4-5 days at least, so keep her and her husband and daughters in prayer.

Second, my dad's oldest brother died over the weekend after a year or so in a coma after an accident. There seems to have been no funeral service as his wife supposedly had him cremated and didn't even tell any of the family he died until a couple days after he passed. He and his wife lived in Louisville, were rather backward and never spoke with any body much. I never even met him. It's still hard on the family, to say the least.

On a good note, Megan is doing great in school, according to her teacher at the parent/teacher conference on Tuesday evening. She's excelling in all subjects, and is one of the best readers in her class. We're a bit proud of her :)

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