Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Just Wednesday and not much new

Except our neighbor Harold came home Monday and is doing really well. I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies today and took some over. He's got some of his grown children there with him taking care of him while he recuperates. I figured they'd appreciate a snack. I know I did :) I've already had 3. I also thought Meg would like some fresh cookies after school. I loved it when my mom would make fresh chocolate chip cookies for me, which didn't happen very often because she worked for most of my school years.

I'm feeling really well now--hardly any nausea and my energy seems to be coming back. I've been quite productive last night and today, finishing up laundry, picking up, cleaning bathrooms, etc. It feels good to feel like I'm accomplishing something again. I hope it lasts a while.

We're starting a new Bible study at church tonight on parenting. I'm looking forward to it. I love doing study with my husband--it's a good way to spend some quality couple time together.


Anonymous said...

Not much new? I just saw another car award in the paper from the weekend. Woo-hoo! Go...woop, woop, woop!

Mysti said...

Well, there's THAT, yeah. Fall is the time for the car shows. We went to another one back in our hometown on Monday. Only got a Top 75 trophy--they didn't give out place trophies. We also got farthest distance driven too :) We're hardcore, baby.