Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday--Misty's Challenge!

I've decided to take a new turn on my blog for a spell. Once upon a time, some of you probably remember, I once had a webpage called "The Good-News Letter". I'd update it every week with jokes, Bible verses, stories, etc. It was fun, but our computer died one day, and I lost all my stuff, so I never got back to creating it. So now, I'm going to move in a similar direction for a while here, which may be more simple than keeping an entire website up to date, but will keep me blogging daily and keep my brain working.

So, I've decided Mondays will be Misty's Challenge days. I will challenge myself and you to reach for some good goals. I want you to give me feedback on these too, and let me know if and how you are reaching those goals. I might be more inspired to continue if I get some feedback.

Now, the challenge for today: I was listening to my girls' new Veggie Tales Worship Songs cd over the weekend and the song "Prince of Peace" caught my attention. It ends like this: "You are my prince of peace, and I will live my life for you!" I thought, "That sounds great, but how many of us are actually living for Him?" My challenge for myself and for you--think about who you are living for each day--yourself, other people, or Christ? The world's mindset today says, "Look out for number one (me)". We want instant happiness, instant gratification, instant everything. Waiting on the Lord is especially hard, because we can't sit down by him on the couch and have a face-to-face chat. We can't e-mail him or call him on his cell phone. His answers aren't usually instant, but they're the best. Let's think each day and with each situation, "How can I live for Him?" Jesus says in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." It's hard to wait, but if we depend on ourselves to drive our lives, we'll likely muck it up. If we seek Him, live for Him, mindful of His peace, presence, and word, our lives will flow much better.

Now, was that a lofty challenge, or what? Let me know your thoughts on it. Here are my goals for the rest of the business week:

Tuesday--Terrific Foods
Wednesday--Faves and Flops
Thursday--Laugh out Loud
Friday--Quote to Ponder

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing those scriptures they totally fit in with my life TODAY. Living for Christ. Seeking him FIRST. Amen!
