Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tips for keeping off those Halloween candy pounds!

It's just around the corner! I found this cute little article on Yahoo--read it for how to avoid the candy bulge.

I really like the tip "Buy and give out candy that you personally don't like". I can imagine, "Want some more candy corn and licorice, kids?? Here, take all the Zagnuts you want!" That cracked me up. We have a "Treats -n- More" party thing with our church on Halloween, so that really helps for me to not have candy sitting around the house. I buy it and take it to the church for the event. Then, I can hope to get a little bit of the good stuff I bought in Meg's bag :)

I think Halloween is just the start of the yearly Holiday bulge that gets us all. We eat candy, then get right into baking fall treats, then Thanksgiving and the leftovers, then start making Christmas treats that last until the new year. I think the best approach is to be really choosy about what you make and buy. Start looking for recipes/ideas early and make/buy only a few things for each event. I love to look for new Christmas candy and cookie recipes to try each year, then I give most of it out for gifts, so that helps a bit. What are some other tips you might have for beating that Holiday bulge? Let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Candy? Who has candy, where, when????