Friday, October 06, 2006

Fall break goals and aspirations

I'm climbing out of my "Gloom, despair, and agony on me!" (remember that old Hee Haw song?) week to face a new week of fall break. No preschool for Meg, no Team Kid, no babysitting, and even a weekend trip planned for next weekend--hopefully! Yesterday, I was as gloomy as the weather. Today, I got the kids out and we played in the MMC (big gym) at church and the new playground and had McD's for lunch. We all had good naps, and this evening, I've been picking up and organizing my house. I finally have acknowledged the existence of my second child and have hung pictures of her in my house! She is going to be 2 in January, so I'm a little late ;) I also hung more recent pics of Meg and family pictures and have made big plans to organize more pics and work hard on some scrapbook projects next week.

I feel the itch to organize and beautify my home, to finish and get a good start on home projects. I think this is the key to overcoming my gloomy mood--keep myself busy giving myself a sense of accomplishment, and maybe some extra caffeine too :) I've made a tentative list of 4 big things to accomplish over the weekend. If I can get a good stab at those, I'll feel good and will want to continue with more next week. Do I hear some cheerleading? I'll try to keep you updated. Oh, and will try to blog more interesting things soon. Sorry for the recent dribble. Hope you all have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't minded you recent blogging at all. It's real.

I hope you get a lot under your belt. I'll miss my Fall organizing party, for sure. I'll have some catch up to do!

All my kids will need pants...and we won't have a one!

Have a great week! Glad to hear you are having a better day!
