Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Lousy Fitness Journal

This week, I am not exercising. Yes, that's right folks, I'm not concentrating on my fitness regime. Are you filled with shock and dismay?

Megan is out of pre-school this week for fall break and I figure it's just not worth the effort and stress to try to make the time. With just Zoe here, I can put her somewhere (swing, stroller, playpen) and get my exercise done. With Meg, well you know--"Find me sumpin else to watch!", "I want a snack!", "Can I play a game on the puter?", "Help me with this game on the puter!", "Can I exercise too?", "Zoe's crying!", "Zoe pinched me!", and then there's the miscellaneous Crash, Bang, Boom, Scratch, "Ahhh!", and when I yell, "What are you doing in there?!"--"I not doing anything!"

So there. I'm just not doing it this week. And we're going on a trip Thursday to Louisville. Going to stay in a hotel and swim in a pool. Then to the zoo on Friday, so that will be a lot of walking. Then to visit the in-laws for the rest of the weekend, and that's always a busy time. Of course, homecoming at in-laws' church--oh, man--there goes the diet! :)

Do I feel guilty? Not really. I'm catching up on laundry before our trip and housecleaning, so I'm still moving a lot. Moms move a lot anyway.

Zoe is cutting her second tooth, but she's still the "one-tooth wonder" for now. And now she's hungry again. Mommy to the rescue!

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