Friday, September 23, 2005


I think the baby's teething. I haven't seen any teeth yet, but the bottom gum is definitely "humpy". It's also the only way to explain how "Zoe the Joy" has turned into "Zoe the Howler Monkey". Night before last, she woke up twice crying, and luckily, I was able to get her back to sleep in her crib. Last night, she slept about an hour and a half in her crib, then the howling began. I tried to rock, nurse, and walk around with her. Everytime her back touched the crib, she was inconsolable. Tylenol didn't help, Orajel just made her madder.

"Phew!!" *Grumble, grumble....* And probably a few things under my breath I shouldn't have said :( Anyway, she ended up sleeping with me and DH, and as long as she was curled up right next to me and I didn't move more than what it takes to breathe, she was sound asleep.

All makes for a grumpy mommy this morning. And Meg doesn't have preschool, and she got up early too, and she's already testing my patience. *Grumble, grumble...*

The laundry is still waiting, the dishes are still waiting, I haven't had a bath yet. I really want a night out with DH, but that doesn't seem to be happening. I'm disgruntled. Needless to say, I haven't exercised yet. I probably will if I can get the kids under some kind of control. I think it's mutiny :)

I did have a good day yesterday. Went on a field trip with Meg and her preschool class to an apple orchard. We picked apples, had a hayride, enjoyed the petting zoo and drank some cider. Had lunch with my friends, who watched baby Zoe while Meg and I were gone. I think my friend is trying to sabotage my diet, because she sent me home with three of my favorite cookies and a delicious banana pudding. Well, I just might finish it off today. I'm in that kind of mood.

I have yet to update my Fitness Journal. Probably won't today, just out of guilt. Hard to talk about all the benefits of fitness when I'm sitting around eating banana pudding ;)

I will get back to it soon, but might be next week. Stay tuned...or just grab some banana pudding. *Grumble, grumble...*

1 comment:

Joan said...

Well, you write very well when you are mad and disgruntled.

And you are welcome for sabotaging your diet. I've found it's the only way I'm going to keep up with my girlfriends. I just need to get some on Tae Bo Girl before our next bike ride!

Hang in there!