Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The first few days

I'd forgotten how idyllic, yet exhausting these first days/weeks at home with a new baby were. Well, hadn't forgotten, really, just hadn't thought about it until now that I feel like a zombie ;)

First there was the still-shocking fast birth experience, then they had to throw in a time change over the weekend. I'm all mixed up! Poor Meg is really exhausted too, having to get up an hour earlier now for school--in the dark again *sigh*. We caught a few more moments of the last couple of days for your viewing pleasure.
Meg was so tired last night, she settled in with Dad and Zach and went right to sleep. Didn't even move when Dad got up. He propped her up with a pillow for a while until supper.

This morning, it was bad....

Then, it was good.... :) I love these first little smiles. It's not just gas, you know.


Anonymous said...

When I picked Sydney up yesterday, she and I were talking, and I asked her if Megan was excited about the baby. She said, "Yeah. Megan said that he cries for everybody else, but when she holds him he doesn't cry. I think he really likes her." Isn't that sweet?

Susan said...

awwwhhhhh......I miss those days! He is so precious!

Theresa said...

Congrats on a fine looking young man there. Glad the girls have taken to him so well. Try and get some rest.

Anonymous said...

how sweet......

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. LOVIN' these posts right now!