Oh bother
A couple days ago, I found that someone had sent out a bunch of spam e-mails with my e-mail address. Today, I found that my whole Yahoo address book list was deleted. *grrrr* I'm hoping there was no sensitive information that could have been seen. I try to keep all e-mail clear of that sort of thing, but my inbox had gotten quite full (over 1000 messages). I went through today and deleted them all, and saved e-mail addys as I could find them. I'm still missing several though, so if you happen to read and have the time, shoot me an e-mail so I can save your address.
And if you happened to get any spam from me a couple days ago, that wasn't me, but sorry anyway.
oh misty, i'm sorry.
Oh Misty, I'm sorry about that. We didn't get any spam that I know of. Let me know if you want me to forward any addresses to you.
Hate it when something like that happens. :(
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