Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday--Misty's Challenge

What Can I Do?

As we draw closer to Christmas, we get busier and more stressed. We often lose focus on what Christmas is all about. And we HEAR that every year! "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm too busy, I know, and I know Christmas is about Jesus. So???"

In addition to thinking about the birth of Jesus and his job as Savior (don't get me wrong--very important), let's try to think about His legacy. What He did while he lived here on earth. He came to be a servant, to humble himself and show love and mercy to others. Let's see what we can do to be His hands and feet this season. I'll bet your church or community has some good outreach ministries going on that you can contribute to. I donated some canned green beans and corn and Little Debbie cakes for our food drive at church yesterday. I made up a shoebox gift for Samaritan's Purse a few weeks ago, to be sent to a child in a developing country who may not get a gift otherwise this year. It doesn't sound like much, but to the people who receive these gifts, it could mean the world to them. Until Jesus comes back, it's our job to pick up here where He left off--let's be Jesus to somebody this Christmas.

What are some ministries you are involved in right now? Let me know.


Anonymous said...

There is a Student Union here at the college I work at that are sending shoeboxes to soldiers over in Iraq. In my office I am getting together 4 boxes and we are sending them over there. Just my little way of helping out. I am sending things in the boxes that normally a soldier cannot get over there. I am also thinking of calling a local social work place and see if I can take a gift basket there for a needy family.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I decided that I should just embrace the baldness!

Mysti said...

Cheryl--At-a-girl! That's what I'm talking about. Just something simple that will mean a lot to the person getting it.

Massivetruth--Embracing the baldness is ok. My hubby is also embracing growing hair in new places now :)