Wednesday, September 20, 2006

We said goodbye

I watched the Steve Irwin Memorial Service last night--which was actually 9 am Wednesday morning in Austrailia. It was held at his Crocoseum in Australia Zoo. 5500 people attended, and it was broadcast all around the world. They left a seat reserved for him, and lying in it was his favorite cap that he wore when he watched shows with his daughter. Various people spoke, and some recorded remembrances from celebrities were shown. There were pics and videos from his work and some heartfelt music. I was holding it together pretty well until his little daughter Bindi came up to speak. She read a little eulogy she had written for him. She told how much she loved her daddy and that she had the "best daddy in the world". She said she wanted to continue his passion to save endangered animals and work in conservation. She got a standing ovation. I cried like a baby. I know her dad would have been so proud. Steve's wife, Terri, didn't speak, so I'm assuming she was too distraught still--she was there holding little Bob, and wore sunglasses, and you could tell she was barely keeping it together. One of the most tearful moments was at the end when Steve's #1 croc assistant loaded up his old flatbed croc hunter truck for the last time and drove it out of the Crocoseum.

Read little Bindi's speech here:,22049,20444731-5001028,00.html

And some pics from the service:

Still a little tearful this morning. It's really hit home now that Steve Irwin is gone. The world has lost a great life...God's creation has lost a great warrior. I only pray that others will take up the torch and continue with his mission.


Anonymous said...

I got upset just reading this. I still hurt for them. Is that crazy? I didn't even know him but felt like I did.

Mysti said...

I don't think it's crazy. I feel the same way. He was just so open with his life, so passionate, you felt drawn to him even if only from your living room. It's hard to imagine such a lively person being dead. Seeing his daughter giving a eulogy really got me crying. She was so brave and confident. I think she'll be a lot like him.

Anonymous said...

Touching. Thanks for sharing.
