Friday, September 22, 2006

Love is a choice

Today has me pondering this statement. So often, people talk about "feeling" love, but how often is showing love mentioned? Jesus mentioned it a lot. Love your neighbor--doesn't mean admiring their backside (or frontside for that matter) from afar. It means help them, be there, choose to do good for them.

Problems in my side of the family have me bogged down today. Why don't some people just get it??? Love IS a CHOICE!! It is not just how you are feeling--it is NOT even about YOU!! This modern world mentality of do what feels good for me, me, me is just not what Jesus wanted out of us. No, I don't think he means us to completely neglect ourselves and sacrifice everything for everyone all the time. We must have balance. But we are to think MORE HIGHLY of others than of ourselves. Think of their needs before we make choices that will hurt them. Do all we can to resolve problems lovingly before they get out of hand, before we give up and walk away. This has been so rampant in my family and so many others.

Today, I choose to love. Today, I got the paint out for the kids and let them paint. Today, I baked them some chocolate chip cookies for snack time. Today, I will give my hubby one smooshy wet kiss when he gets home. Today, I choose to love my extended family even when I don't like them very much right now. Yes, you can love someone even when you don't like them. Because love is a choice. Choose to love someone today---make it an action.

If you want to see more cute kid pics, click on "My Pictures" in the links section.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That preaches.

Thanks for articulating that. I'm getting my wet mooshy kiss all ready right now!

My hubby will know who to thank (and I happen to like him very much today...I'll keep practicing until I day when I don't like him...or he's at least getting on my nerves!)