Monday, April 26, 2010

Spring Fever

Must write, need to write. I'm still not convinced that I have a whole novel in me, but I figure I'm at least 1/5 of the way through. The story is coming right along, and I'm blessed to have kept a few wonderfully talented writer friends from my writing class that are reading three chapters at a time and giving me great feedback. It certainly helps to have sets of fresh eyes to catch what I miss.

My dad is still in rehab, and we're not sure yet exactly what his future holds. Some days he feels better than others. We celebrated his 63rd birthday with him yesterday, with a chess cake that was my mama's recipe, and we brought all the kids and Charlie along to visit. I'm praying that things will smooth out for all of us, and that we'll get used to a new "normal", whatever that is.

We're continuing with our outdoor pergola area, buying plants and pots and sealer for the paver stones. The new hammock is wonderful! I hope to spend many happy hours in it writing and napping. We have our grill out again, and the blueberry bushes are almost bird-proofed. I'm getting three more bushes in this week to replace three that the frost killed a couple years ago. I think we'll be ready for an outdoor shindig soon!

Meg's broken arm seems to be doing well, and next week, she'll go back to get it x-rayed again. The girls have both had allergy problems, and Zoe's ear has been aching. There may be another doctor trip on the horizon. But among all the chaos, the messy house and stresses of caring for kids and my dad, I keep writing. Where it will lead, I don't know, but it keeps me sane, and I'm so glad I discovered my old love again.