It's over...
Last night, I put Zoe to bed without any mommy milk. She is now officially weaned. We went from 5 to 3 to 2 to 1 feeding over the course of several weeks, and it's over now. I'm so sad. I've nursed that baby every day of her life since she was born. For her first 4 months, that's ALL she ate. And she was such a good nurser and not spitty like my firstborn.
I can be happy knowing that my mommy milk has helped her grow well and stay healthy and relatively cold-free. We had a few obstacles, like a cold she caught when she was 2 weeks old that made her spit up and choke a lot, teething, and of course, the nursing strike (see previous posts--October). She has transitioned well from baby food and mommy milk to table food and whole cow's milk. She had a pooping issue for a few weeks from the changes, but we're past that now too.
I guess all good things must come to an end. Now I will look forward to planning our summer vacation without the kids and letting Zoe stay at Nana's and Papa's house with big sis without me for the first time.
Now, where to go? If anyone has any suggestions, please let us know. We had thought about Vegas, but I think that's out now--bad reviews from a recent trip taken by my hubby's coworker made it sound less than pleasant. So now we're thinking DC or Lover's Key or the Carolina coast but any suggestions would be welcome. Our last big trip was to Pigeon Forge, TN. Very nice, and we're not opposed to going there again, but something new might be fun.